
Welcome to the website of B4U-Mind - Science & Business Blogs


B4U-Mind aims to provide a platform for scientists, developers and entrepreneurs to publish their work and research results. In 6 interdisciplinary topic blogs, independent authors inform about new developments and findings. Young developers are offered a framework to present their projects, to exchange ideas and to network. Representatives of industry and educational institutions and those interested in science can also find information and update their knowledge here.


Selection of Topics


We have selected a total of 6 different topics that are fundamentally important for the future and will play the main role here on the website:


  • Immersive & Wearable Technologies
  • Tech Trends & Business
  • Education & Mint
  • Vocational training & further education
  • Inclusion & Accessibility
  • IT Ethics & Data Protection


An editorial team of competent experts has been formed, the Founders Council. This editorial team ensures that only high quality and relevant articles are published.


This website is designed to be expandable. Changes will be made over time. Our first and most important project is to make this site accessible, which is currently only partially implemented. This is also due to the size, or rather, the smallness of our team.


An editorial team of competent experts has been formed, the Founders Council. This editorial team ensures that only high quality and relevant articles are published.Now all that remains is to wish you a lot of fun reading and browsing the blogs and to invite you to participate. Who feels called to participate on this side with own contributions is cordially invited to it. However, the contributions should be written and developed by the author himself. This page will not contain curated contributions, only originals.


Just send your article along with your contact information  to  info@b4U-mind.com and we will come back to you.

Blog Overview


